Thank you for your Contribution
Thank you to all presenters for your invaluable contributions in submitting your abstracts and delivering your work. Your dedication to sharing your knowledge and insights is crucial in advancing the field of geosciences, fostering innovation, and inspiring future developments.
Please find below information and resources to help in your preparations. Please contact should you have any questions.
All Presentation Types
- Please keep your abstract confirmation handy (5-digit number) - this is your key to presentation uploads, information submission and registration discount
- Presentations must be non-commercial company logos can be included on the first and last sides, but should be excluded through the main slide content. Technical presentations must not be sales-pitches
- All presenters must be registered Convention Delegates. Please register online to confirm you placement in the program; use your abstract ID as your promo code to receive the presenter discount (does not apply to students or in-transition/retired)
- Please also input your presenter bio/head shot
- Within your Presenter Portal within the PheedLoop system (access emails sent in late March)
Oral Presentations
Generally, each presenter will be scheduled for a total of 25 minutes (20 minute presentation and 5 minute discussion period). Please keep in mind that the time schedule is fixed so that attendees may move between sessions. Certain keynote presenters may have a double time slot.
Presentations should be prepared in 16:9 format, in PowerPoint, a template is provided, should you wish to use it (not required).
There will be a Speaker's Breakfast each morning of the conference for all speakers presenting on that day, 7:00am-8:00am in the Exhibits pre-function area (second floor, north building, past registration). It is requested that you attend so that you can:
- meet your Session Chairs
- meet the other presenters in your session
- coordinate any final presentation details
Please be present at your session room at least 15 minutes before it starts and introduce yourself to the session chairs (ideally you’ve already met at the speaker breakfasts). You should also provide your session chair with a bio to be read out when introducing you to the podium.
Presentation management will be handled by your chairs. It is suggested that all presenters bring their presentations with them on USB, copy the presentation onto the podium computer and run from there. Presenters will have access to their presentation space at least 30 minutes before each session starts. It is also recommended that you save your presentation on an accessible cloud drive as a backup to your USB.
Workstations will be available each day of the conference, 7am - 6pm at the east end of the exhibition foyer area. These computers can be used for practicing and last-minute touch-ups.
Promote your participation on social media to your respective networks, #geocon2024, @Geoconvention Partnership
Oral AND Poster Presentations
For those abstracts accepted as Oral AND Poster you will present both formats in-person:
- Oral Presentation (20-minutes, in most cases)
- Poster Presentation (about 5-minutes, quick overview of your work)
By submitting your abstract you allow GeoConvention to publish and promote your submission through all media formats including USB sticks and archiving. GeoConvention will not own the material and the material will remain the property of the individual submitter. Any questions can be directed to
Poster Presentations
The in-person poster sessions will take place June 17th through June 19th at the TELUS Convention Centre in the exhibit hall.
Your poster will be on display for the full conference and presented per the conference schedule.
**Posters on boards 1 - 18 must be hung by 7:30am on Monday, June 17**
**Posters on boards 19 - 42 and 73 - 78 must be hung by noon on Monday, June 17**
Other posters must be hung before 8am on June 18.
The Registration desk will have a map of your poster location. At the end of the conference, please feel free to take your poster with you. Any unclaimed posters will be recycled.
Presentation times are scheduled from 9:35am - 10:15am and 2:40pm - 3:15pm and during the networking, 4:30pm - 6:30pm (Tuesday only). You are expected to be at your poster for all poster breaks during your assigned day for conversation; you will only be asked to formally present once, however.
Poster Presenters need to prepare a 5 minute Mini-Oral presentation to be delivered on demand. These presentations will be given to delegates in attendance as well as industry judges. Due to the volume of posters, the judges will have to adhere to a strict timeline and will be unable to accommodate longer presentations, however poster presenters are encouraged to present less formal presentations throughout the duration of the day to other interested delegates. If you are unable or unwilling to present your poster orally, please be in touch at your earliest convenience.
Poster display panel dimensions are 4 ft. (vertical) by 8 ft. (horizontal). If you need two panels, please advise the Technical Committee at
Your poster should include both the title and authors of your presentation, as no separate title will be supplied. Make the poster easy to follow in case it is viewed when you are not present. The poster should have a clear starting and ending point. Arrows or numbers should be used to define poster progression and generally should follow left to right, top to bottom rules. The abstract should be kept as a handout and not used as part of the poster. You can use bullet text at the start of your poster to emphasize the main points that will grab the interest of your audience.
Design Hints for Posters
- Good poster design equals SIMPLICITY - Make all illustrations simple and bold.
- Present only enough data to support your conclusions
- The title should be legible from two to three meters away
- Use elements of different sizes along with a mixture of shapes and straight lines to attract the viewer’s attention. A large and/or bright centre of interest can draw the eye to the most important aspect of the poster
- Enlarge all illustrations enough for pertinent details to be clearly evident
- All lettering should be visible from 2 meters away. Font size should be at least 18 point
- Text material on the poster should be brief, while colours should be well thought out and applied sparingly
- To help facilitate conversations, you are also encouraged to provide your contact information and the time(s) you plan to be available at your poster so delegates can meet with you should they not be available during your scheduled presentation time.
Optional Video Recording
GeoConvention 2024 is being offered on-demand, following the live conference, but please note that poster presentations will not be recorded live at the event, if you wish to provide a recording of your poster presentation for the virtual portal, you may do so by uploading the pre-recorded video to the Abstract Manager:
- Poster presenters will prepare a 5-minute (maximum) overview recording of the poster where you walk through the slides or PDF/image and upload this recording to the Abstract Manager.
- On your dashboard, click the gear icon next to your paper and select "Edit Abstract/Presentation Upload"
- Navigate to the bottom of the page and click "upload file" under "Presentation Recording Upload"
Presentation Recordings are due by May 27
Presenter Resources
All Presentation Types
- Please keep your abstract confirmation handy (5-digit number) - this is your key to presentation uploads, information submission and registration discount
- All presenters must be registered Convention Delegates. Please register online to confirm you placement in the program; use your abstract ID as your promo code to receive the presenter discount (does not apply to students or in-transition/retired)
- Please also input your presenter bio/head shot
- Within your Presenter Portal within the PheedLoop system (access emails sent in March)
Hybrid delivery: all presenters (both oral and poster) are required to prepare a video recording of their presentation
- Once you have finished your recording, prior to May 27, please upload to the Abstract Manager; MP4 and MOV are the only formats accepted; file size should be less than 1GB
- Navigate to the abstract manager
- On your dashboard, click the gear icon next to your paper and select "Edit Abstract/Presentation Upload"
- Navigate to the bottom of the page and click "upload file" under "Presentation Recording Upload"
- Presentations will be available during their scheduled time during the conference then following the conference, on-demand, through December 31, 2022
- We will ask that you check in on your presentation after the conference to see what questions have been asked via the chat window. Within the virtual conference platform, you can follow up with the chat questions in the pane or direct one-on-one conversation through the networking function
- Poster Presentations: Poster presenters will prepare a 5-minute (maximum) overview recording of the poster where you walk through the slides or PDF/image
- Oral Presentations: Most oral presentations are 20 minutes in length; use the provided tools to record yourself delivering the presentation