The 2025 Call for Abstracts is now closed

The Abstract Submission System is your resource to submit your abstract, provide author and co-author details and provides the opportunity for abstract edits.

Abstract Submission System

GeoConvention 2025 Template

To ensure consistency across the program, authors are required to use the template linked below.  Please submit your abstract in PDF format.


GeoConvention 2025 Themes

GeoConvention 2025 will host a wide variety of earth science sessions, hosted by some of the brightest minds and thought leaders in industry and academia. The Session Guide is being prepared and will help in determining the best fit for your paper, but if you have any questions, please let us know at

Session Guide

Remote Presentations

While in-person presentation is preferred, GeoConvention is able to host a limited number of presentations delivered remotely via zoom.  If you are unable to join in-person, please indicate that you wish to be considered for a remote presentation within the comments section of the Abstract Submission form.

What is a Hybrid Presentation?

A hybrid presentation means that your presentation will be presented both live, in-person, at the conference and made available on-demand for delegates following the conference.  On-demand hosting is not mandatory to present at GeoConvention.  Upon submitting an abstract, authors can indicate whether or not they accept to having their presentation hosted on-demand, as a resource for delegates who may not have been able to see the presentation live.

As posters are presented in a different format than oral presentations where recording is not readily available, poster presenters will have the option to submit a pre-recorded video for hosting on the virtual platform.

Typical oral presentations are about 20 minutes in length and posters are 5 minutes.

The Hybrid approach allows your work to be seen by the widest audience possibly – both in-person delegates and those who are unable to join us for the live event.


Abstract Quick Reference

Use template provided.

Abstract length: 2-pages minimum is suggested (no max), including at least one figure

Submission deadline:  11:59pm MST on Friday, February 7 (extended deadline)

Placeholders, consisting of a title and overview paragraph, are permitted if time is needed for completion of research or sponsor preapproval.

Revision deadline: 11:59pm MST on Friday, February 7

Oral and Poster Abstract Guidelines

To provide attendees with a good resource, at the very minimum, please provide an abstract with a minimum of two (2) pages in addition to a figure; there is no maximum page count.

A template (linked above) has been created to assist you in preparing your abstract submission. You must utilize the template for your abstract for text and heading consistency.  Please only use the headings as appropriate for your paper and delete the others.  Please too mind the font type and sizes identified in the template.  Papers that do not use the template will be rejected.

Papers may be revised through February 7th by editing your submission through the submission portal.

There is no fee to submit an abstract.

Oral and Poster Presentation Guidelines – Hybrid Event

Oral Presentations

  • General: With GeoConvention 2025 being hosted on-demand and in-person, all accepted presenters will be captured while presenting live, in-person.  There is no requirement to pre-record oral presentations.  GeoConvention will be able to accommodate a limited number of live remote presentations via Zoom if presenters are not able to travel to the conference.  If this applies to you, please indicate this preference in the comment section of the abstract submission form.  Standard oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length and will be scheduled to allow for a 5-minute question and answer period following the presentation.  Presentations will be recorded for on-demand hosting which an author can opt out of via the abstract submission process.

Poster Presentations

  • General: Similar to oral presentations, posters will be hosted live during the in-person conference.  If your poster does not fit a specific topic category, please select the category that most closely fits. Posters will be approved based on content and relevancy and do not necessarily have to fit within the pre-defined themes.
  • Virtual: if you wish to have your poster hosted virtually as well, presentations will need to be pre-recorded.  Poster presentations are generally 5 minutes in length and, for the recording, may either feature a static image of the poster or a few PowerPoint slides.  Pre-recording and virtual hosting of the poster is not required.
  • In-Person: Posters will be placed Tuesday morning, prior to the opening of the show to the specified poster panels on the exhibit floor.  Poster sizes are 4 feet tall by 8 feet wide.  Posters will be presented on a fixed schedule, during breaks in the oral presentation program, the timing for which will be communicated in April.  Further guidance will be provided upon acceptance.

Through the submission portal, you may select to present both an oral presentation and poster presentation by submitting a single abstract.  If you select to present an oral and poster presentation, the organizing committee will work with the schedule to ensure your presentation times do not overlap.  If you sign up to present both an oral and poster presentation, please note, you are agreeing to present both the oral (20 minutes) presentation and the poster (5 minutes) presentation.

Submission Deadline

The general abstract submission deadline is: February 7, 2025 at 11:59 PM MST (extended deadline).
If your paper cannot be released before this date, please upload a placeholder (title and summary) and we will be in touch to follow up with final submission.  Revisions are accepted through February 7th, 2025.

Presentation Acceptance

Notification emails will be sent in early March, 2025.


Commercialism Policy

The intent of GeoConvention is to provide exceptional quality, high-level technical presentations which are free from commercial influence or bias. GeoConvention prohibits presentations that constitute promotion and/or advertising. Presentations that deal exclusively with a program, publication or product will not be accepted by the participant or selection committee.


By submitting your abstract you allow GeoConvention to publish and promote your submission through all media formats including USB sticks and archiving. GeoConvention will not own the material and the material will remain the property of the individual submitter. Any questions can be directed to

Contact Information

Questions regarding abstracts, submissions, or the technical program, should be directed to

No Show Policy

By submitting your abstract, you are agreeing that you are able to record your presentation and commit to also presenting live during the conference, May 12 – 14, 2025.  If you do not agree with one or more of the statements, please e-mail

  • I understand that papers should be submitted only by authors who are certain of their availability to attend the Conference and of their ability to deliver effective presentations.
  • I understand that all presenters must register as a delegate to attend the meeting (at the discounted delegate presenter rate)
  • I understand that GeoConvention has implemented a No-Show policy effective for the 2025 program and will be enforced per the outline below:


To help ensure the integrity of the technical program, the following policy will apply to discourage last-minute withdraws and no-shows.

If no one appears to present an accepted paper (poster or oral) that is listed in the Delegate Handbook and/or Digital Program Guide, the presenting author will be placed on a No-Show List unless excused by the Technical Chair.

For the first offense, the presenting author will be placed on the No-Show List for two years. If there is re-occurrence, the time will double for each subsequent offence. Additionally, secondary authors will be put on a Non-Compliant List for one year and so notified. If an author remains on the Non-Compliant List for three years, the author moves to the No-Show List.

Presenting authors who withdraw their paper in writing to the Technical Chairs before four weeks prior to the commencement of the Conference will be considered compliant and not be placed on the No-Show List. Presenting authors that withdraw or are a no-show after this date are placed on the No-Show List at the discretion of the Technical Program Chair.

Abstracts submitted to a subsequent Convention in which the presenting author is on the No-Show List will be automatically rejected.

If you have any questions, please contact: