Author Title Presentation
Aali, Masoud; Nedimovic , Mladen ; Deptuck, Mark ; Maselli , Vittorio; Stagna , Marina Chasing Mass Transport Deposits with Deep Neural Networks; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Oral Only
Aarabi, Seyed Sepehr; Zarghami, Saeid; Rajabi Eslami, Negar; Rajabi Eslami, Ali The effect of morphogenic and geomorphic features on the identification of groundwater quality zones in Rey city, Tehran province Poster
Ahmad, Waqar; Gingras, Murray Sedimentology and Ichnology of a tide-influenced river delta: An example from the Lower Permian of North Pakistan Oral Only
Ahmadigoltapeh, Sajjad; Hellevang, Helge; Miri, Rohaldin; Abdolahi, Saeed Low Salinity Water Impact on the Calcite-Water Interface: A Molecular Dynamic Study Oral Only
Akram, Jubran; Eaton, David; Peter, Daniel Application of a fuzzy c-means and AIC based workflow for P/S arrival-time picking on microseismic data Oral Only
Akram, Jubran; Peter, Daniel; Eaton, David Hypocenter locations: Semblance-weighted stacking versus traveltime inversion Oral Only
Akram, Muahmmad; Rehman, Shakeel ur; Khan, Imran; Shahzad, Khurram; Ahmed, Shabeer Dry Holes Analysis Leads To Exploration: Assessment Steps to Determine the Major Reason of Failure in Prospects Poster
Alinejad, Amin; Yassin, Mahmood Reza; Dehghanpour, Hassan Experimental Investigation of Natural Gas Huff-n-Puff on Organic Shale Samples Oral and Poster
alinoori, khadijeh; Ghahroudi Tali, Manijeh Determination of soil loss conditions and spatio changes of Hoz-e-Sultan playa based on Albedo index Poster
ALLO, FABIEN; Formento, Jean-Luc; Stopin, Alexandre; Issautier, Benoit; Marc, Stephane; Darnet, Mathieu Cost effective characterization of a geothermal carbonate reservoir by application of deep neural networks to legacy seismic data Oral Only
Amundaray, Ninosk; Innanen, Kristopher Elastic full waveform inversion for time-lapse analysis of a CO2 injection at CaMI.FRS using synthetic VSP Oral Only
Arnott, Bill On the murky, viscous world of planar-stratified sediment – the what, and possible how Oral Only
Azad, Shervin; Vemparala, Anand; Iranpour, Alireza How to Use Machine-learning and Computer Vision (LithoSearch) to Find Similar Lithology in Core-photo Library and Mapping The Results into 3D Space Virtual – Oral
Baig, Adam; Witten, Benjamin; Karimi, Sepideh Do Moment Tensors Flip During Hydraulic Fractures? Oral Only
Bain, Graham Assessing the Viability and Footprint of Six Underappreciated Secondary Intervals in the Permian Basin Oral Only
Baker, Richard; Gibbs, Allison A Technical – Economic Comparison of Deep Saline Aquifers vs. Depleted Gas Reservoirs Factoring in Risk for CCUS Projects Oral and Poster
Banks, Graham An integrated approach to optimize decision-making in lithium exploration: play-based exploration, chance of success and value of information Oral Only
BEAL, VINICIUS; Cooper, Simon; Gavrilov, Denis Exploiting of software application to overcome complex geological conditions while geosteering in Mungi Gas Field, Eastern Australia Poster
Bearinger, Doug Complete Hydraulic Fracture Modeling of the Full Montney Oral Only
Behn-Tsakoza, Taylor; Harbottle, Kass; Ebell, John; Paris, Anitra Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal: Lessons Learned and Next Steps Oral Only
Bell, Daniel The perfect storm: Stacking patterns and depositional processes of turbidites in a shallow-water basin, Upper Middle Montney Formation, Alberta. Oral Only
Bell, Daniel Linking knickpoint morphodynamic processes to the stratigraphic products of modern and ancient submarine channels Oral Only
Berberoglu, Eren; Vivanco, Lucia; Harris, Nicholas; Konstantinovskaya, Elena Structural Analysis and Preliminary Results of Numerical Tectonic Modeling of the Scotian Basin Poster
Berg, Charles; Newson, Andrew A Fracture Analysis in the Quirk Creek “B” Sheet, S.W. Alberta, Canada Oral Only
Bergen, Stuart Acquisition duration of vibrator surveys using movement simulation Poster
Bhattacharya, Janok Searching for reservoir analogs: integrating field work and theory in paleohydrology and scaling estimates Oral Only
Bird, Chris; Torriero, Matt; Zvanciuk, Lauren; Alimahomed, Farhan A Heuristic Interpretation of the Elastic Model for Minimum Horizontal Stress Estimation Oral Only
Bowman, Lauren ; Kang , Mary; Aljebre, Oumar; El Hachem , Khalil Methane Emissions from Abandoned and Suspended Oil and Gas Wells in Alberta and Saskatchewan Oral Only
Brawley, Karen Beyond “Self-Help”: Psycho-Cybernetic Science for the Skeptic in Times of Change Oral Only
Brinsky, Jordan Temperature Mapping of Select Devonian Formations in Alberta Oral Only
Brown, Lonn; van der Baan, Mirko Time-lapse monitoring of saltwater disposal in Kansas and Oklahoma using ambient noise Oral Only
Bunker, Edward; Bolton, Rebecca; Crossley, Robert; Broadley, Mark; Thomas, Adam Lithium Exploration Tools from Source to Sink Oral Only
Caplan, Mark Water, Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink! Lithium-Rich Brine Potential in Southeastern Saskatchewan Oral Only
Capot-Blanc, Jamie ; Renaud, Evan; Capot-Blanc, Jamie; Minnick, Matt Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal – Technical Update Oral Only
Chametzky, David Rising, Resilience and Realignment – Blossoming through Any Challenge Virtual – Oral
Chapman, Brady Regulating the Impending Lithium Boom: lithium-rich brine extraction’s place in the subsurface Oral Only
CHARBAOUI, Anas Contribution of Borehole, Gravity and Electrical Data In The Study of the Geological Structures of the Gantour Deposits (Benguerir, Morocco) Poster
Chase, Brandon; Hanneson, Cedar; Vestrum, Zoë; Unsworth, Martyn Preliminary Results from a long-period magnetotelluric (MT) investigation of the Fort à la Corne area and surrounding Trans-Hudson Orogen, Saskatchewan Poster
Chaudhuri, Debasis; Roy, Ankur Seismic Fracture Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs – a Comprehensive Workflow Virtual – Oral
Chen, Hongling ; Gao, Jinghuai; Sacchi, Mauricio Model-driven Deep Learning Nonstationary Seismic Reflectivity Inversion Method Oral Only
Chevrot, Victori; Harris, Nicholas; Vaisblat, Noga; Hernandez Medina, Stephany Methane migration in unconventional reservoirs and the origin of anomalous fluid distributions Oral Only
Coleman, Thomas; Maldaner, Carlos; Kennedy, Celia Advances in Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Autonomous, Real-time Monitoring of Dam Integrity Oral Only
Cooper, Joann; Lawton, Don; McCoy, Sean Reanalysis of CO2 storage resources in Alberta Oral Only
Cui, Xiaojun (Albert); Nassichuk, Brent; Wilson, Jordan CO2 Geological Storage Capacities: Consideration of Critical Parameters of Static and Dynamic Processes Oral Only
Cunningham, Zachary ; Hatefi Ardakani , Saeed; Nazari , Negar; Pilling, Russell Characteristics of surface casing vent flow methane emissions in Red Deer, Alberta Oral and Poster
Dalrymple, Robert Are Tidal Bores Analogous to High-density Sandy Gravity Flows? Oral Only
de Wit, Tjaart; Olivier, Gerrit; Hill, Robert; Gillies, Richard; Vaughan-Taylor, Kelly Time-lapse velocity changes during an open-pit mine slope failure Oral Only
Demchuk, Thomas; Bell, Kimberley; Ruckwied, Katrin An Overview of Palynofacies/Kerogen Analysis and it’s Assistance in Paleoenvironmental and Geochemical Interpretations Oral Only
Djezzar, Sofiane; chemmakh, abderraouf; boualam, aldjia; Merzoug, Ahmed; Laalem, Aimen; Ouadi, Habib Traps Analysis and Petroleum Potential in Reggane Basin, Algeria Virtual – Oral
Downton, Jonathan Predicting Unconventional Shale Reservoir Properties from Seismic and Well Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks Oral Only
Dreher, Kyle Methane Reduction Funding Opportunities for Upstream Producers Oral Only
Duchek, Sheila Water Valuation: How to put a price on priceless? Poster
Dunn, Lindsay; Frank, Jason; Meade, Glen; Castellanos, Ricardo Not the monotony: An integrated sedimentological, sequence biostratigraphic approach to full field development planning. A case study from the Montney Formation, Placid Alberta Canada. Oral Only
Eaton, David; Ma, Yuanyuan; Wang, Chaoyi; Eyre, Thomas Fault activation by induced aseismic slip Virtual – Oral
Eaton, David; Winter, Jennifer; Saddleback, Steve The CREATE-REDEVELOP program: Supporting relationships with Indigenous communities within an interdisciplinary training environment Poster
Eldridge, Evangeline; Kennedy, Celia Nipiih (Water) quality study of the Lesser Slave Lake: Working together in science, engagement and youth outreach Oral Only
Ellison, Dennis Wedge Modelling and Waveform Classification for sub-resolution thickness estimation in the Marcellus Oral Only
Ellison, Dennis; Vera, Zahary; Diaz, Carla Leveraging Stochastic Inversion to increase understanding of Drilling and Completion Hazards in the Midland Basin Oral Only
Emery, David Machine Learnings, lesson learned on improvements to Castagna (1985) mud rock, Gardner (1974) density, and Faust (1951) velocity estimation. Oral Only
Englert, Rebecc; Hubbard, Stephen; Romans, Brian; Kaempfe, Sebastian; Nesbit, Paul; Bell, Daniel Flow processes and bed-scale characteristics associated with a fault-controlled intraslope fan deposit, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile Oral Only
Esmaeilzadeh, Zahr; Eaton, David Investigating Fault Sealing Effects on Induced Seismicity and Pore Pressure Distribution in NEBC Oral and Poster
Esmaeilzadeh, Zahr; Eaton, David Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing Effectiveness, Fault Activation and Reservoir Drainage in The Presence of a Strong Lateral Pore-Pressure Gradient Oral and Poster
Etaje, Darlington; Shor, Roman An Overview of Measurement and Reduction of Drill String Vibrations Poster
Eyre, Thomas; Eaton, David IERisk: A novel tool for induced earthquake mitigation Virtual – Oral
Ezzaroug, Aiman; Salad Hersi, Osman; Buker, Mohamed; Hamoud, Fathi; Alzaruk, Ahmad Paleotopographic highs and incised valleys at the top of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya: New insights from high-resolution seismic attributes Poster
Fedenczuk, Leon ; Fedenczuk, Tom; Hoffmann, Kristina Virtual Petrophysical Laboratory – Part 3 Erosion Simulation in Porous Media Oral and Poster
Feroz, Amn; Van der Baan, Mirko Multidisciplinary data integration: A case study from a heavy oil reservoir Oral and Poster
Fletcher, Sean; Bremner, Paul; Mackenzie, Richard; Laycock, Dallin Sedimentology from Low Earth Orbit – How Time-lapse Earth Motion from Remote Sensing Imagery Aids Reservoir Characterization and Challenges Static Depositional Paradigms Oral Only
Flynn, Jessic Basinal and sedimentological controls on organic matter preservation and distribution in distal mudrocks of the Upper Cretaceous Colorado Group Oral Only
Fogwill, Allan Technology Solutions to Achieve a 45% Reduction in Methane Emissions in the Oil and Gas sector Oral Only
Fowler, Martin Petroleum from Source Rock to Reservoir; Using two offshore eastern Canada basins as examples Oral Only
Fraino, Patrici; Furlong, Carolyn; Pedersen, Per The complexity of micro- to centimeter-scale heterogeneities in geological and geomechanical properties in fine-grained deposits and how to quantify it Poster
Francke , Jan Advancements in Ground Penetrating Radar Technology for Mineral Exploration Oral Only
French, Joelle; Seyed Ghafouri, Seyed Mohammad Hosein; Tabatabei Poudeh, Seyed Hossein; Shim , Jason; Dong, Elisa; French, Joelle In Love with Seaweed? Kelp Farming for CO2 Sequestration Oral and Poster
Fu, Xin Reducing source wavelet non-repeatability for time-lapse shot gathers Poster
Furlong, Carolyn; Pedersen, Per; Fraino, Patricia; Eaton, David A Process Sedimentology Approach to Understanding the Deposition of Fine-Grained Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Systems: A Case Study from the Altares Member within the Lower Triassic Montney Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Oral Only
Gagnon, Jean-Philippe A comprehensive summary of methane quantification using Telops’ airborne hyperspectral instrument Oral Only
Garcia Rodriguez, Guido; Konstantinovskaya, Elena; Garcia Rodriguez, Guido Characterization of natural fractures of the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation in the Kaybob Area, Alberta Oral Only
Gavotti, Patrici; Juan, Aurora; Teare, Mark; Johnston, Sean; Rodriguez, Luz; Ganguly, Nilanjan Aguas Vivas Field – A significant new gas discovery “hidden” for over 70 years of exploration history in the Lower Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia. Oral Only
Gibbs, Allison; Sweet, Natalie Hydrodynamics and the Evaluation of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers Oral Only
Gilbert, Chase Western Canada – How to Become a World Leader in CCUS Oral Only
Glover, Ken; Minnick, Matthew Taking CO2 sequestration projects from the concept stage through to the permitting stage Oral Only
Gonzalez Arismendi, Gabriel Ars, Sebastien; Muehlenbachs, Karlis; Vogel, Felix Isotopic fingerprinting of atmospheric methane in Western Canada compared to oil and gas well emissions Oral Only
Goodway, Bill The Use and Abuse of AVO: Value, Analysis, Errors and Pitfalls Oral Only
Gordon, Adrian Merge of two seismic AVO inversions: Montney example Oral Only
Greig, Meliss Alternative Energy Industry Commodity Options for Western Canada Oral Only
Grillo, John Choice in Change – When it’s Your Own. When It’s Not. Virtual – Oral
Guarido, Marcelo; Trad, Daniel; Emery, David; Innanen, Kristopher Calgary’s municipal buildings energy consumption analysis and forecast Oral Only
Hall, Kevin; Lawton, Don; Innanen, Kris Estimation of helical fibre pitch angle and trace spacing from DAS data Oral Only
Harms, Philip Geothermal Prospecting using Interactive Analytics: Ethiopian Applications Oral Only
Haynes, Simon Building On a Strong Foundation: Progress on the 2027 Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Poster
Head, Emily; Diederichs, Steve; Law, David A SHAPLEY Approach to Williston Rock Quality Poster
Henley, David Experimental processing of physical modeling data from circular arrays Oral Only
Hickman, Randall; Gallop, Jeremy 3D Geomechanics Model Integration With Microseismic Surveys Using Fluid-Induced Seismicity Constraints Oral Only
Hickson, Catherine Geothermal in Alberta – Creating a regulatory environment conducive to supporting the growth of a geothermal industry Oral and Poster
Hickson, Catherine Geoexchange to Deep Conventional Geothermal Energy Extraction Technology Comparison Poster
Hirschmiller, John Beyond EOR – Evaluating the Geothermal Potential of Historic Gas and Oil Fields Oral Only
Hons, Michael Fresnel Zones and Single Trace Seismic Oral Only
Hons, Michael; Xu, Yong; Contenti, Sean Novel coverage assessment and decimation of a high-resolution 3D dataset Oral Only
Hu, Kezhen; Issler, Dale; Chen, Zhuoheng; Dietrich, Jim; Dixon, James Overpressure detection in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada, using an integrated approach Poster
Hu, Qi; Macquet, Marie; Lawton, Donald; Innanen, Kristopher Rock physics analysis of CaMI.FRS well-log data Oral Only
Huang, Shang; Trad, Daniel Convolutional neural network-based reverse time migration with multiple energy Oral Only
Hubert, Casey Towards net zero: lowering steam-to-oil ratios with thermophilic bacteria and N2 biogas Oral and Poster
Hume, Brandon Understanding the Effects of Mineralizing Fluids on Petrophysical Properties: A study of Magnetic Susceptibility and Spectral Gamma in a Cu-Au System at Upper Beaver, Canada Oral Only
Hunt, Lee The Learning Before Machine Learning Oral Only
Iqbal, Naveed ;  Iqbal, Naveed; Hersi, Osman Salad Sedimentologic properties of a siliciclastic depositional system: The Black Island Member of the Late Ordovician Winnipeg Formation, Southeastern Saskatchewan Poster
Irvine, Christopher Sudbury, a new theory of formation Poster
Jensen, Gavin Lithium Exploration in Saskatchewan: New data from the 2021 sampling season. Oral Only
jesudian, david; Boddor, Baroon; Bodoor, Baroon Ultraheavy oil deposition in Burgan reservoir: Comprehensive study on petroleum system process of origin mechanisms and possible development solution of Tarmat reservoirs in North Kuwait Poster
Jesudian, David; Elabsy, Eslam Precise Reservoir Characterization, Formation Evaluation and completion design using LWD High-Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging in North Kuwait Cretaceous Carbonate: Case Study Poster
Jones, Heather Incentivizing Continuous Improvement of ESG Practices Through Independent Certification Oral Only
Kao, Honn; Wang, Bei; Yu, Hongyu; Visser, Ryan Hybrid Foreshock Patterns of Injection-Induced Earthquakes in Western Canada Oral Only
Keating, Scott; Innanen, Kristopher; Eaid, Matthew Bypassing the near surface in full-waveform inversion of VSP data at the containment and monitoring institute field site Oral Only
Kennedy, Joanie; Morris, Natasha; Drivet, Eva Drilling Deeper into the Leduc: From hydrocarbons to lithium, an evolutionary resource Oral Only
Khan, Faisal; Vdovin, Vladimir; Czirjak, Kari Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 065 Changes for CO2 Sequestration and CO2 EOR-Storage Applications Oral Only
Khan, Muhammad Shallowing-upward nature of the Chorgali Formation, Potwar and Hazara sub-basins, N. Pakistan and the demise of the Eastern Neo-Tethys carbonate platform Virtual Poster
Khani, Hojjat Clustering of Geological Models for Reservoir Simulation Oral Only
Kim, Min; Ji, Minsoo; Kwon, Seoyoon; Min, Baehyun Multi-Lateral Horizontal Well with Dual-Tubing System for Improving CO2 Storage Security and Reducing CCS Cost Oral and Poster
King, Michael; Welford, Kim Reconstructing the southern North Atlantic Ocean back through time Oral Only
Kingsmith, Kim; Kingsmith, Kelly Waste Fluid Disposal vs. Oil and Gas Production in Western Canada – Compare and Contrast: Drilling, Completions, Regulations and Reservoirs Oral Only
Kingston, Andrew; Ardakani, Omid Multiple phases of diagenetic fluid flow and hydrocarbon migration in the Montney Formation: Fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence Oral Only
Kler, Jeff Wabamun Carbon Hub – A Developers View Oral and Poster
Kolkman-Quinn, Brendan Kolkman-Quinn; Lawton, Donald Time-lapse VSP detection of a simulated shallow CO2 leak at the CaMI Field Research Station Oral Only
Koning, Tako The Critical Role of Natural Gas in the Global Energy Transition Oral Only
Koning, Tako Exploring in China for Oil and Gas in Fractured and Weathered Basement Reservoirs Oral and Poster
Konstantinovskaya, Elen Multiduplex emplacement in the Cate Creek window, southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: interaction of erosion and tectonic underplating in thrust wedges with décollements based on 2D forward modeling Oral Only
Konstantinovskaya, Elen; Rivero, Jose; Vallega, Valentina; Brodylo, John 3D geomechanical modeling and reservoir simulation for safe CO2 storage in the Becancour area (Gentilly Block), Quebec Oral Only
Lamoureux, Michael ; Vestrum, RJ Fast, implicit finite difference solver for the wave equation Virtual – Oral
Langenberg, Willem Natural and Enhanced Weathering of Basic Silicates: An Effective Process to reach Net-zero Emissions Poster
Laugier, Bernard; Aming, Anthony Unsupervised AI workflow to evaluate the transition of a 50-year giant gas field quickly and thoroughly to potential multiple CO2 storage and geothermal viable projects. Oral and Poster
Law, Mike Near Surface Resistivity Imaging: The Basics, Advantages, Pitfalls, Limitations, and Advances Oral Only
Law, Mike Using Shallow Geophysics for Enhanced Remediation Practices and Increased Collaboration Efforts Oral Only
Leaney, Scott Anisotropy in DAS data and AVA for CO2 monitoring Oral Only
Lebel, Daniel The Pan-Canadian Geoscience Strategy: Integration and Cooperation for Critical Minerals Exploration and Energy Transformation Oral and Poster
Lebel, Daniel Snapshots of the Canadian Foothills: Gliding with Style and Detachment into a Wedge Oral Only
Leckie, Dale Sedimentology and Geotourism – A Tribute to Gerry Middleton Oral Only
Lee, Bob; Lee, Bob; Pedersen, Per; Moslow, Tom; Aguilera, Roberto The coastal plain to Clearwater stratigraphy of central Alberta: differentiating the Mannville Group. Oral Only
Leshchyshyn, Tim Duvernay Best Practices Fracturing Study Including Chemical – Rock Interactions Oral and Poster
Leshchyshyn, Tim Maximizing Liquids Rich Cuts in the Montney through GOR Control from Optimized Frac Design Oral and Poster
Leshchyshyn, Tim The Complete Bakken History of Refracs and Re-completes in the North Dakota: Determining Detailed Type of Refrac and Incremental Production Oral and Poster
Leshchyshyn, Tim Tectonic Strain Mapping Study in the Montney Formation Poster
Leshchyshyn, Tim CO2 Fracturing Fluids Substituting N2 to Meet Net Zero Carbon Emissions Poster
Leshchyshyn, Tim Industry Study Collaborating with Our Aboriginal Partners for Economic Development Oral and Poster
Lewis, Owen Introduction to Nuclear Fusion Oral Only
Li, Carmen; Adebayo, Oyeboade; Ferguson, Deidra; Wang, Scott; Zorz, Jackie; Webb, Jamie Bacterial anomalies indicative of deep-sea sediment hydrocarbon seeps Oral Only
Li, Hui; Harris, Nicholas; Zeyen, Nina Clay composition and diagenesis in the organic-rich Upper Devonian Duvernay Shale, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Oral Only
Lin, Rongzhi; Guo , Yi; Sacchi, Mauricio Seismic reconstruction for compressive irregular-grid acquisition with I-FMSSA and EPOCS: A comparative study Oral Only
Link, Brian; Khromova, Inga; Iantsevitch, Ivan; Roganov, Yuri; Kostukevych, Alex; Marmalevskyi, Naum The use of several base boundaries to improve the ability of Duplex Wave Migration to delineate zero throw, sub vertical fractures and their permeability Oral Only
Liu, Dawei; Sacchi, Mauricio; Chen, Wenchao Low tensor rank 5D seismic reconstruction via randomized parallel matrix Oral Only
Liu, He; Innanen, Kristopher; Trad, Daniel Application of amplitude-encoding strategy to elastic full waveform inversion Oral and Poster
Liu, He; Trad, Daniel; Innanen, Kristopher Amplitude-encoding acoustic FWI using different bases Poster
Liu, Xiaojun; Unsworth, Martyn; Hanneson, Cedar; Tschirhart, Victoria; Craven, James; Grasby, Stephen A pseudo-3D MT inversion with deep learning and its application to the Mount Meager geothermal area, British Columbia Poster
Lucente, Courtney; Falorni, Giacomo; Koleshwar, Ajinkya A Case Study on InSAR as a High Frequency Decision Making Tool for SAGD Operations Oral and Poster
Lume, Marian; Innanen , Kristopher Local optimization approaches for simultaneous AVO inversion based on re-parameterized Zoeppritz equations Oral Only
MacMillan, Gordon; Molina Giraldo, Nelson; Schumacher, Jens; MacMillan, Gordon Approaches to Subsurface Lithium Production – Benefits and Risks of Water Injection Oral Only
Mah, Patrick; Peake, Adam An Investigation of a Salt Dome Interior using In-Mine Seismic Reflection Oral Only
Maidment, Greg; Macquet, Marie Ultra-High Density Seismic Survey at Carbon Management Canada’s Field Research Station Oral Only
Maiti, Tannisth Digitization of Raster Logs: A Deep Learning Application Poster
Marion, Kienan; Salvage, Rebecca; Eaton, David A “Bad Moon Rising” in Rocky Mountain House – is brine disposal responsible for induced seismicity? Oral Only
Marsh, Arden An Overview of Saskatchewan’s Base of Groundwater Protection Mapping Project Virtual Poster
McGahan, Rich Confidence & Peace During Transition Oral Only
McGowan , Brendan Canadian CCUS Perspective Oral Only
Melo, Felipe; Pérez, Verónica Analysis of unsupervised and supervised facies classification with petrophysics knowledge in a field from Gulf of Mexico Virtual – Oral
Melo, Felipe; Pérez, Verónica; Lee, ChungShen Shear sonic log prediction with Deep Neural Networks: an example from Gulf of Mexico Virtual Poster
Mercier, Arnaud Open seismic hardware: a step towards accessibility in mineral exploration Oral Only
Miall, Andrew Gerard Middleton, fractals, and the “frozen accidents” model of stratigraphy Oral Only
Mlella, Mark; van der Baan, Mirko Well deformation: Simulation and reconstruction of multi- finger caliper observations Oral Only
Molina Giraldo, Nelson; Molina Giraldo, Nelson; Schumacher, Jens; MacMillan, Gordon Hydrogeology Perspectives on Carbon Sequestration Oral Only
Monsegny, Jorge; Lawton, Don; Trad, Daniel An encoder-decoder CNN for DAS-to-geophone transformation Oral Only
Monsegny, Jorge; Lawton, Don; Trad, Daniel Passive source location by diffraction scanning Oral Only
Mottahedeh, Rocky Planning Projects for Direct Heat Solutions Anywhere Oral and Poster
Moussa, Tamer; Dehghanpour, Hassan Evaluating Geothermal Energy Production from Suspended Oil and Gas Wells by Using Artificial Intelligence Poster
Naghizadeh, Mostaf; Crook, Andrea; Bossaer , Shane Fresnel zone binning analysis for determining 3D seismic infill stations Oral Only
Newson, Andrew; Kubli, Thomas; Konstantinovskaya, Elena The Evolution of Structural Style in Fold and Thrust Belts, an Open Discussion Oral Only
Niño, Carlos; Duarte, Cesar; sacchi, Mauricio; Sierra, Daniel; Agudelo, William Converted Wave Travel Time Computation Using A Fast Marching Method And Level Set Interface Location Oral Only
Noad, Jon The Sedimentology of Palaeontology: how to accumulate highly fossiliferous deposits Oral Only
Noad, Jonathan Chasing Waterfalls: interpreting Cardium Formation reservoir properties from falls geomorphology Oral Only
Novak, Zachary Evolving Your Career Into A Digital Future Oral Only
Novakovic, Mark Enhancement of Risk Mitigation Strategies for Induced Seismicity by Utilizing Hazard Scenarios Oral Only
Ogunfolabo, Taofeek Structural and Sequence Stratigraphic Analyses of Fuzzal Field, Niger Delta Oral and Poster
Ortega Perez, An; van der Baan, Mirko Hydraulic fracture monitoring: Integrated analysis of DAS, pumping information, and microseismicity. Oral Only
Ossetchkina, Ekaterin; Asmaryan, Hasmik; Younes, Julie; Grubas, Serafim; Younes, Julie; Grubas, Serafim; Ossetchkina, Ekaterina The Techno-Economic Feasibility of a Geothermal District Heating System in Chateh, Alberta Oral and Poster
Ovechkina, Mari Microfossil biostratigraphy: Main geologic-time technique for hydrocarbon exploration and fundamental research Virtual Poster
Parra, Jesus; Rizehbandi, Aref; Campos, Bruna; Hasan, Sarah; Caparroz, Dalila A study of the economic and technical viability of a salt cavern Compressed Air Energy Storage facility in Alberta Oral and Poster
Partyka, Gregory Objective Seismic Insight Oral Only
Pendrel, John; Schouten, Henk Facies-Driven Modelling of Reservoir Properties Oral Only
Peploe, Thomas; Hubbard, Stephen; Hage, Sophie; Poyatos-Moré, Miquel; Englert, Rebecca; Kaempfe, Sebastian Facies and stratigraphic analysis of three scales of clinothems in an exhumed basin margin succession, southern Chile Oral Only
Perry, Stephanie A Comparison of Hydrocarbon Mobility Understanding, Approaches and Applied Workflows Oral Only
Plint, Guy Stratigraphic Emmental – Finding the Holes Oral Only
Podetz, Chris; Rakhit, Kaush; Gibbs, Allison The Evolution of Montney Development Oral Only
Poor Jahangiri Pilehrood, Mehdi Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of the Zagros Basin, Pabdeh Formation Using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Technique Poster
Qu, Luping; Innanen, Kris; Keating, Scott; Fu, Xin Reducing the influence of remnant noises on FWI by modifying the misfit function Oral Only
Quiaro Sandoval, Alejandro ; Sacchi, Mauricio Automatic SNR based rank estimator and its application for denoising. Oral Only
Quimby, Shane Earthquake Detection and Focal Mechanism Calculation Using Artificial Intelligence Poster
Rangriz Shokri, Alirez; Chalaturnyk, Rick; Hickson, Catherine; Champollion, Yannick; Wigston, Andrew; Vaisblat, Noga Geothermal Risk Mitigation through CO2 Storage Oral Only
Rashid, Alidu Trends in organic matter distribution and characteristics among rock formations in Peninsular Malaysia: Implications on hydrocarbon generation potential Oral Only
Reavis, Chris 3 Things Crypto Can Teach You About Resilience and Transitions Oral Only
Reiling , Kyle Greenview Industrial Gateway Oral Only
Reine, Carl Modelling for interpreting the effects of thin beds on inverted elastic properties Oral Only
Riazi, Naimeh; Eaton, David Critical role of detecting fault structures in the induced seismicity risk analysis Oral Only
Riazi, Naimeh; Russell, Brian Bayesian geostatistical approach in rock physics modeling and seismic data analysis Oral Only
Rodriguez, Karyna ; Rodriguez, karyna The role of re-imaging in the re-imagining of the Proven Hydrocarbon Basins Offshore Nova Scotia Oral Only
Rodriguez, Luz; Teare, Mark; Hiebert, Stephen; Gavotti, Patricia; Jonhston, Sean; Juan, Aurora The Miocene Porquero Formation in the Lower Magdalena Valley basin of NW Colombia: from bypassed pay to four producing gas fields in 5 years. Oral Only
Rogers, Stephen; Amini, Afshin Interpreting subsurface connectivity patterns in order to better understand Induced Seismicity Controls in the BC Montney Virtual – Oral
Sadownyk, Lukas; Guarido, Marcelo; Zeinabady, Danial; Sarvaramini, Erfan; Zhang, Zhenzihao; Tabasinejad, Farshad Shiny web applications for optimization of diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT) event detection with unsupervised learning Oral Only
Salad Hersi, Osman; Abassi, Iftikhar; Al-Harthy, Abdulrahman Cretaceous cyclostratigraphy and prominent unconformities of the Jeza-Qamar Basin, southern Oman Poster
Salad Hersi, Osman; Sissakian, Varoujan; Ghafur, Ala; Abdulla, Lanja Occurrence of structural features induced by compressional tectonics in the so-called “stable” region of western and southern Iraq: Implications for hydrocarbon potential of the under-explored Paleozoic succession of the region Poster
Salvage, Rebecca O.; Furlong, Carolyn M.; Eaton, David W. Dense array monitoring in the Kiskatinaw Area of British Columbia reveals both expected, and unexpected, patterns of induced seismicity Oral Only
Sanchez-Galvis, Ivan; Trad, Daniel; Agudelo, William; Sierra, Daniel Simulated removal of near-surface scattered waves by elastic wave modeling Oral Only
Schouten, Douglas Cosmic-ray muon tomography: Current developments in how Canadian innovation is helping industry drill less and discover more Oral Only
Schueth, Jonathan; Laycock, Dallin The Search for the World’s Fastest Sand Dunes Oral Only
Schulte, Brian Keynote address EOR – Multi-disciplinary Reservoir Characterization Oral Only
Sihota, Mantu The Power of 3D Seismic Beyond Structure Oral Only
Sirohey, Aamn Airborne EM MobileMTm – technical details and applications Oral Only
Smejkal, Emily; Smejkal, Emily; Huang, Katie; Harms, Phil The feasibility of re-purposing oil and gas wells for geothermal applications Poster
Solano, Nisael; Ghanizadeh, Amin; Clarkson, Chris; Richards, Brenton; Altmann, Carl Mesoproterozoic Source Rock Reservoirs – Insights from the Kyalla Formation in the Northern Territory, Australia Oral Only
Szabo, Kathi Empowerment in Times of Uncertainty Virtual – Oral
Szabo, Kathi How to Engage Positive Stress Oral Only
Tersmette, Daniel The Hoadley Glauconitic Trend: Poised for a Renaissance, New Insights into an Old Field Oral Only
Torres, Kristian Deep decomposition learning for thin-bed reflectivity inversion Oral Only
Trad, Daniel GPU applications for modelling, imaging, inversion and machine learning Oral Only
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van der kooij, marco Radar Satellites: new technologies, applications, and an abundance of data Oral Only
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